Conservation & Wildlife

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  • Conservation & Wildlife

Ethiopia Collaborative Efforts Aim to Strengthen Conservation in Gambella National Park

The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) has highlighted the necessity of collaboration to promote environmentally sustainable development in Gambella National Park.

During a signing ceremony on Wednesday, Tourism Minister Selamawit Kassa announced a partnership involving the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA), Gambella Nation… read more

  • Conservation & Wildlife

Namibia Minister of Tourism Pohamba Shifeta at the National Stakeholders' forum

Since controlling a surge in poaching in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Namibia has experienced comparatively low levels of the illegal killing of wildlife, particularly of rhinos and elephants.

The changes in protected areas and wildlife management policies that followed independence, and the rapid growth of the community-based natural r… read more

  • Conservation & Wildlife
  • Attractions

Gambia UNESCO designates 11 new biosphere reserves… Gambia’s Niumi Biosphere named

UNESCO has approved the designation of 11 new biosphere reserves in 11 countries, including Belgium and Gambia for the first time and two transboundary biosphere reserves. The other new biosphere reserves are located in Colombia, Dominican Republic, Italy, Mongolia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Philippines, Re… read more

  • Conservation & Wildlife

AA Travenews "Rhino Rewild": African Parks translocated 120 Southern white rhino

African Parks, a conservation NGO that manages 22 protected areas in partnership with 12 governments across Africa, has announced that it has successfully translocated 120 Southern white rhino to member reserves of the Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation (GKEPF) in read more

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