Travel news overview

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  • Rail

Rail Namibia TransNamib TransNamib on a green path

TransNamib, the national railway company of Namibia, is preparing to undertake an extensive preparatory phase before contemplating locomotive conversions as a crucial part of its strategy to reduce carbon emissions in rail operations. This information was shared by James Mnyupe, the leader of the Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (N… read more

  • Attractions

SouthAfrica National Parcs Kruger National Park Calendar - November


  • early summer
  • very hot days and warm evenings
  • rain - rainfall usually double that of October


  • between 16°C - 32°C (Fahrenheit: e.g. 28°C = [(28x9)]/5 + 32 = 82.4°F)
  • visit  our
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  • Opinion

Ghana Tour Operators UnionTour Operators Union Of Ghana TOUGHA Tourism: A path to peace in a year of global elections

As the President of the Tour Operators Union of Ghana (TOUGHA), I am proud to join the global community in celebrating World Tourism Day 2024 under the theme “Tourism and Peace.” This year’s theme could not be more relevant, especially as nations, including Ghana, prepare to head to the polls to elect presidents, parliamentarians, and ot… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria Air Peace Air Peace, Dr. Onyema honoured at Marketing Edge Awards 2024

Air Peace and its Chairman/CEO, Dr. Allen Ifechukwu Onyema, were celebrated at the 21st Anniversary of Marketing Edge during its Edge Awards 2024 held Sunday in Lagos. The airline clinched the prestigious “Outstanding Brand of the Year” award, while Dr. Onyema was named “Brand Personality of the Year” for his transformative leaders… read more

  • Flights

Australia Qantas Qantas to introduce the A380 on the SYD to JNB route

• First ever A380 flights between South Africa and Australia take off
• Extra 130,000 seats per year

• Reintroduction of First Class and doubling of Premium Economy seats

Travellers will make history today on board Qantas’ inaugural Airbus A380 flight from Johannesburg to Sydney, the first time the national carrier has opera… read more

  • Flights

Turkey Turkish Airlines Turkish Airlines will add GDS fee

Starting from October 1, 2024, Turkish Airlines is launching a new NDC-based distribution channel named TK Connect.

Alongside this, the airline will implement a fee of $24 for tickets issued via GDS-Edifact channels.

This fee will apply to all GDS with which the airline operates. However, for bookings m… read more

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Our travel news does not only focuse on transportation like airlines and rail, but also on hotels, IT, cruises, and other areas of interest for travel agents. Our travel news is not only for the benefit of the traveler but also serves to update and inform travel staff in the Sub Saharan Africa Region on the latest travel news and developments. is unique in the way it assists travel readers in sub Saharan Africa to be up-to-date in sub Saharan Africa with the latest news on a daily basis, and provides concise & relevant information without the waffle making it convenient for you to keep you and your colleagues up-to-date, to better inform customers and offer precise recommendations.

Our travel news portal has refined navigation so you can search per country in sub Saharan Africa, scroll to the bottom of the website to find a list of the countries, double click on a country to get that country’s news. and you could search per sector in travel i.e. flights, leisure, rail, IT etc. (at the top of the website). Or you could search the news portal by using specific words or phrases and entering these into the search bar and clicking search.