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  • Flights

Nigeria IBOM Air Ibom Air COO canvasses collaboration among aviation stakeholders

Mr. Uriesi, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Ibom Air has called for enhanced collaboration among Nigerian aviation industry workers in a bid to ensure growth.

A statement by the airline said that Uriesi canvassed the position as the Special Guest Speaker at the Nigerian Aviation Fire and Safety Association (NAFSA) Bienni… read more

  • Miscellaneous

AA Travenews Nigeria to host 68th UN tourism commission for Africa meeting

Nigeria has secured the hosting right for the 68th meeting of the UN Tourism Commission for Africa (CAF) in 2025.The announcement was made during the 67th meeting of the Commission held in Livingstone, Republic of Zambia.

There expressions of intent from Kenya, Algeria, Nigeria and Ghana. Demonstrating remarkable solidarity, … read more

  • Miscellaneous

UN United Nations Flag UN Tourism Conference on Brand Africa Aims to unlock tourism investments

The second UN Tourism Brand Conference, which is scheduled to occur in Zambia from 22nd to 24th July this year, looks to be a game-changing occasion with the goal of elevating Africa’s reputation as a top travel destination. In order to strengthen the tourism industry on the continent, this conference will expand on efforts that were star… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria NAMA Suspended 800% hike in terminal charges

Players in the Nigerian aviation industry have described the suspended planned hike by 800 percent of terminal charges by the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) as the height of insen­sitivity by the government and its agency.

Experts, who spoke to Daily Indepen­dent, said that if the proposal, which was schedule… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria Arik Air Arik Air CEO expresses outrage over minister’s decision to ground fleet

Captain Roy Ilegbodu, CEO of Arik Air (in Receivership), has slammed the Minister of Aviation’s sudden decision to ground the airline’s fleet, calling it a “disastrous” and “unjust” move that disregards ongoing judicial processes and prioritizes private interests over the public good.

In a strongly worded statement, Captain Ilegbodu… read more

  • Destinations

Zimbabwe ZTA Tourism sector records 83pc jump in arrivals

The tourism industry remains the fastest growing sector in the economy with an 83 percent increase in arrivals in the first half of this year. The increase is likely to see a 12 percent jump in accommodation and food this year following the 26,4 percent jump last year, the 2024 Mid-term Budget and Economic Review presented las… read more

  • Destinations

Kenya KTB Kenya plans to grow tourist numbers with Kenyan diaspora

Kenya is looking to grow the number of tourist arrivals from the Kenyans in the diaspora.

The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) seeks to achieve this through a tourism marketing campaign aimed at rallying Kenyans living abroad to support the nation's tourism industry.  Unveiled on the sidelines of the Paris Olympics, the … read more

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Our travel news does not only focuse on transportation like airlines and rail, but also on hotels, IT, cruises, and other areas of interest for travel agents. Our travel news is not only for the benefit of the traveler but also serves to update and inform travel staff in the Sub Saharan Africa Region on the latest travel news and developments. is unique in the way it assists travel readers in sub Saharan Africa to be up-to-date in sub Saharan Africa with the latest news on a daily basis, and provides concise & relevant information without the waffle making it convenient for you to keep you and your colleagues up-to-date, to better inform customers and offer precise recommendations.

Our travel news portal has refined navigation so you can search per country in sub Saharan Africa, scroll to the bottom of the website to find a list of the countries, double click on a country to get that country’s news. and you could search per sector in travel i.e. flights, leisure, rail, IT etc. (at the top of the website). Or you could search the news portal by using specific words or phrases and entering these into the search bar and clicking search.