Travel news Gabon

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  • Rail

Rail Gabon Setrag Gabon Railway upgrade

As Phase One of the railway upgrade in Gabon, undertaken by the Société d'Exploitation du Transgabonais (SETRAG), nears completion, the Government of Gabon and SETRAG have recently committed to advancing the project into its next phase. This agreement, marking a significant milestone, was officially signed on June 19, 2024, by Christian Magni, t… read more

  • Destinations

Nigeria Nigeria's new visa policy to drive Tourism

Nigeria, located on the Gulf of Guinea in Africa, has relaxed its visa-free entry policies for 23 countries to promote both tourism and business travel. The country is home to numerous natural landmarks and wildlife reserves. Notable sites include Cross River National Park and Yankari National Park, which feature waterfalls, dense rainfor… read more

  • Flights

Uganda Uganda Airlines Uganda Airlines: Expanding African carriers’ wings

The rebranded Uganda Airlines is opening up the African skies albeit gradually, while also expanding into the hitherto monopolised routes of major carriers. The revived East African carrier is steadily becoming a giant in African space with its tenacious expansion of routes in the last four years when it began operations.

The airlin… read more

  • Miscellaneous

Afcfta The role of the AfCFTA Agreement in Africa’s Tourism drive

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement, as one of the flagship projects of the African Union’s Agenda 2063: “the Africa We Want”, entered into force on 30 May 2019 following the deposit of the twenty-second (22nd) instrument of ratification of the Agreement. Following the decision of the 13th Extraordinary Sess… read more

  • Flights

AA WorldFlight Africa United Airlines suspends operations after just one month of operation

Africa United Airlines launched operations on September 14, 2023 with a CRJ100 leased from South Africa's CemAir.

Its ambition is to play a leading role in the transformation of air transport in Gabon. What are the reasons for the suspension of operations? How long will the suspension last? What are the sources of funding for this private operator?

  • Flights

Iata Official IATA integrates Cameroon, Chad, Gabon, Congo and Mauritius into its payment system

One of the six objectives of the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) "Focus Africa" initiative is to strengthen financial services and improve distribution in the industry. With this in mind, the organization, which brings together some 300 airlines, has just made EasyPay available in five of the continent's countries.

  • Flights

Nigeria United Nigeria Airlines United Nigeria Airlines gets GCAA approval to commence flight

United Nigeria Airlines Company, has received the nod of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) to commence scheduled flight operations into the country. This was announced in a statement today by the Head, Corporate Communications, Mr.  Achilleus-Chud Uchegbu.

The approval of the request by United Nigeria Airlines to… read more

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