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  • Miscellaneous

Kenya Tourism and Travel stakeholders partner to recover sector

Stakeholders in the tourism and travel industries have agreed to partner in order to significantly resuscitate the sectors which have been adversely affected by the restrictions occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic.

During a consultative forum hosted by the African Travel & Tourism Association, (ATTA), the stakeholders who included the … read more

  • Destinations

Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Zimbabwe Tourism Authority makes a push for ISO Certification

The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) says it is undertaking  a transformative journey to improve its quality standards by seeking International Organisation for Standards (ISO) certification.

Addressing journalists, ZTA Acting Chief Executive officer, Mr Givemore Chidzidzi said his organisation has a task of produ… read more

  • Destinations

Namibia Namibia off Germany's high-risk list

The German government has removed Namibia off its high-risk list, effective yesterday. Namibia was until 30 January this year regarded as a Covid-19 high-risk country by the Federal Republic of Germany.

Other regional countries - South Africa, Lesotho and eSwatini - have also been removed from the high-risk list. As of 4 Janu… read more

  • Destinations

Kenya Charter flight from Bulgaria arrives as govt ramps up Tourism recovery

A charter from Bulgaria Sunday arrived at the Kenyan coast as the government continues to facilitate charter flights from overseas in order to boost the recovery of the tourism sector, which was among the key sectors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The flight, European Air chartered by Abax Bulgaria limited arrived with over 149… read more

  • Miscellaneous

GBTA GBTA appoints new Executive to advance its sustainability mission

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) marked another milestone in its journey to advance sustainability and drive impactful initiatives in the business travel industry with its announcement that Delphine Millot has joined the association in the newly created role of Senior Vice President of Sustainability.

“Sustainabilityread more

  • Travel-tech

GDS Amadeus Emirates signs new distribution agreement with Amadeus

Emirates has signed a new agreement with Amadeus, extending their partnership to offer the travel trade community more flexibility, choice, and future capabilities.

From 1 February 2022, all trade partners on Amadeus will be able to access Emirates’ content free of surcharge.

The new agreement will also see Emira… read more

  • Cruise

Cruise Royal Caribbean Wonder of the Seas joins Roal Caribbean International

Adventures aboard the world's newest wonder are on the horizon for vacationers of all ages. Royal Caribbean International took delivery of Wonder of the Seas, the next highly anticipated and innovative ship in the cruise line's award-winning lineup. Marking the completion of three years of construction, a traditional flag-changing … read more

  • Flights

Gambia FlyWestAf flyWestaf becomes Algeria's first officially incorporated low-cost airline

In November 2021, the Algerian Minister of Transport, Aïssa Bekkaï, revealed that his services had given approval to nine future private air carriers. This is a quasi-revolution, since the country has not allowed the creation of private airlines since the disappearance of Khalifa Airways, in the wake of the bankruptcy of the Khalifa group… read more

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Our travel news does not only focuse on transportation like airlines and rail, but also on hotels, IT, cruises, and other areas of interest for travel agents. Our travel news is not only for the benefit of the traveler but also serves to update and inform travel staff in the Sub Saharan Africa Region on the latest travel news and developments. is unique in the way it assists travel readers in sub Saharan Africa to be up-to-date in sub Saharan Africa with the latest news on a daily basis, and provides concise & relevant information without the waffle making it convenient for you to keep you and your colleagues up-to-date, to better inform customers and offer precise recommendations.

Our travel news portal has refined navigation so you can search per country in sub Saharan Africa, scroll to the bottom of the website to find a list of the countries, double click on a country to get that country’s news. and you could search per sector in travel i.e. flights, leisure, rail, IT etc. (at the top of the website). Or you could search the news portal by using specific words or phrases and entering these into the search bar and clicking search.