Travel news Burkina faso

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  • Flights

Mauritania Bamako reduces the chances of Air Sahel ever taking to the air

Wanted by the five members of the G5 Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Chad), the project to create the Air Sahel community airline is no longer in a hurry. In the making since 2015, its fate now seems to be in the past. And the recent friction between Bamako and the other members make us fear for its future, which is very sim… read more

  • Flights

UK Sentra Airways UK start-up Sentra Airways makes Accra its first African destination

Sentra Airways has signed a contract with Air Lease Corporation for the lease of an Airbus A330-200. This commercial transaction is part of the future launch of the young British airline's activities.

"From winter 2022 (December), fly direct from Manchester in the UK to Accra in Ghana. That's the gist of the message, which stems … read more

  • Conservation & Wildlife

Democratic-Republic-of-the-Congo Reopening of Rwanda Border puts DRC squarely on EAC horizon

When you’re stuck in the same boat but paddling in opposite directions, chances are the boat is going nowhere. This had been the situation with Rwanda and Uganda since February 2019 until recently when the common border was reopened.

Along with Burundi, Kenya, South Sudan, and Tanzania, both are members of the East African Community (… read more

  • Destinations

Burkina-Faso Burkina Faso flights suspended after Military arrests President

An attempted coup in the West African nation of Burkina Faso has led to the cancelation of flights while the country looks to regain stability. The last flight logged as having departed was on January 24th at 17:25. This saw an Airbus A320 leave for  Abidjan with  Air Cote d’Ivoire. The flight cancelations appear to be continuing throu… read more

  • Flights

Mali Sky Mali Sky Mali opens direct link to Conakry amid tensions between Bamako and ECOWAS

In a recent communication, Guinea said it did not recognise the decision of ECOWAS to suspend air links with Mali. Through its spokesperson, the country reaffirmed that its borders always remain open to all sister countries in accordance with its pan-Africanist vision. Sky Mali intends to seize this opportunity to get out of the asphyxia … read more

  • Flights

Mali Carriers in Mali given 72 hours to use or lose landing slots

Authorities in Mali have given airlines operating in the country just 72 hours to decide if they want to keep their slots. The demand comes following the increase in political tensions in West Africa over the last week.

Regional concerns

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) last week had hit Mali with economi… read more

  • Flights

Belgium Brussels Airlines Brussels Airlines plans to grow Its Offering In Africa Next Summer

Brussels Airlines is resuming some of its previously canceled routes to Africa due to the COVID-19 crisis. For its 2022 summer schedule, the Belgian flag carrier will add West-African destinations Conakry (Guinea) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) from June 11th. The airline credits its expansion to an additional Airbus A330 that will join i… read more

  • Miscellaneous

Burkina-Faso Burkina Faso restricts social media

Cutting off social media access is a common practice in African countries, especially during elections, protests, demonstrations, or exams. The researchers revealed that at least 32 countries in Africa have blocked or heavily restricted social media access since 2015.

According to Net… read more

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