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The concession Of Asaba International Airport: balancing politics and policy The concession Of Asaba International Airport: balancing politics and policy

I recall our my first meeting with the author, Prof Sylvester Monye, at his private residence in Abuja in 2014, where he graciously hosted the then Governor of Delta State, His Ex­cellency, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan. During his brief address, Dr. Udu­aghan eloquently extolled Monye’s invaluable contributions and the pivotal roles he played in advancing the interests of Delta State within the federal sphere.

In his capacity as the Special Adviser to the President on Perfor­mance Monitoring and Evaluation, Monye was once tasked with the formidable responsibility of decon­gesting Nigeria’s ports. I avidly followed his television programme, “Question Time,” where his insightful reforms further cemented my admiration for his in­tellectual prowess.

Recently, Mrs. J.A. Kachikwu, ev­idently captivated by Prof Monye’s recent literary endeavours, invited me to review his newly published works.

Anticipating a singular volume, I was instead greeted by three me­ticulously crafted books, each with compelling themes. My immediate interest was piqued by the book, “Balancing Politics and Policy Ex­ecution.”

Apart from its promising title, the fact that the foreword was penned by former President Olusegun Obasanjo, further heightened my eagerness to delve into the text.

Prof. Monye, the design and structure of your book, replete with illustrative data, are exemplary. Your command of communication is evi­dent through the use of clear and ac­cessible language, facilitating com­prehension for a broad readership.

The preface adeptly outlines the book’s focus, succinctly summariz­ing each chapter and enhancing reader engagement.

Chapter One is a testament to your sterling understanding of pub­lic policy, unraveling the complexi­ties, political maneuvers, personal interests, and ethnic considerations preceding the creation of Delta State, with Asaba as its capital.

Chapter Two invasively dissected the conception of the Asaba Airport, highlighting the contributions of the three preceding Governors towards the project.

Part Three, which I deem the book’s most critical section, offers a comprehensive exposition on the concession of Asaba Airport.

Your gripping presentation dis­pels prevailing misconceptions, demonstrating that the concession was not a mere conduit for person­al gain but a process grounded in empirical transparency and due diligence. This section is truly a masterpiece, deserving of high com­mendation.

Your narrative continues with an exhaustive account of stakeholder engagements, underscoring the transparent nature of the conces­sion process. The inclusion of re­cords, references such as meeting minutes during the challenging pe­riods, and the risks involved in the frequent travel to and from Asaba, are noteworthy contributions that cannot be overlooked.

Subsequent sections provided a detailed analysis of the airport’s overhead costs prior to the conces­sion and the ensuing benefits to the state, showcasing the significant investment of time and intellectual effort in this project.

In conclusion, while sound pol­icies have transformed numerous nations, Nigeria’s struggle with policy implementation remains a formidable challenge.

Your position as the Senior Pol­icy Adviser to the immediate past Governor of Delta State was crucial during a period marked by global fi­nancial instability precipitated by the decline in oil prices.

Your policies were instrumental in guiding Sen. Dr. Okowa’s admin­istration through turbulent turns and curves.

Prof. Monye, your book is a trea­sure chest of insights and a potential case study for future policy imple­mentation. I wholeheartedly encour­age everyone to procure a copy.

This is certainly a masterpiece, and my only regret after reading through it is that it had an end.

Your sagacity is admirable, and I wish you continued success in all your future endeavours.

Accept my highest regards.

Source: independent.ng