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  • Conservation & Wildlife
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SouthAfrica National Parcs Kruger National Park Calendar - December


  • height of summer
  • very hot & humid days
  • warm nights
  • often spectacular lightning storms


  • between 18°C - 34°C (Fahrenheit: e.g. 34°C = [(34x9)]/5 + 32 = 93.2°F)
  • visit our webcam page for live footage from
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  • Attractions

AA Travenews Africa Magic set to thrill viewers with brand new shows in november

Africa Magic on Thursday, premiered two brand new shows at an exclusive event in Abuja, titled, “Movement Japa” and “The Rishante.”

Daily Independent gathered that, the two series are set to air from Monday, November 1, 2021.

The event which was hosted by media personality, Blessing Imonikhe, had the producers an… read more

  • Attractions

South-Africa Princess Vlei in Cape Town declared a provincial heritage site

A new provincial Heritage Site plaque was unveiled at the Princess Vlei Eco Park on Tuesday, cementing the wetland as part of the area’s provincial heritage.

Princess Vlei occupies a significant cultural and ecological position, where the area is a transitionary zone between Cape Flats Sand Fynbos and Dune Strandveld, … read more

  • Attractions

South Africa Cardinal Air Cardinal Air Services: Scenic flights

The history of Johannesburg and its origins takes us back to the 1880’s. With the discovery of gold, prospectors and fortune seekers from around the world flocked to the region, colloquially referred to as the City of Gold.

Our scenic flight whisks guests across this historic landscape, providing an aerial perspective of the diverse natura… read more

  • Beyond Africa
  • Attractions

AA Travenews QE2 Dubai set to open the world’s largest floating nightclub

QE2 Dubai, the former Cunard Line ocean liner turned floating hotel, will open Float Dubai in October. Float Dubai will be the first floating nightclub in the UAE, with a 1,000-person capacity and music by local and international DJs and artists.

QE2 Dubai haven’t revealed much about Float Dubai, but they have said that it wi… read more

  • Attractions

South-Africa South Africa's first skywalk will be a doozy

The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency this month unveiled the God's Window Skywalk project in the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve in South Africa. Once complete in 2023, the project will allow visitors to experience one of South Africa's most iconic vistas in an entirely new way.

Located along Mpumalanga's Panorama Route,… read more

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