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  • Destinations

Tanzania Tanzania welcomes tourists as Covid 19 numbers decline

Tanzania has chosen to lift the mandate of a 14-day quarantine for arrivals into the country, to promote tourism back into the country.

All international travellers and airport service providers are being advised to exercise ‘Infection Prevent and Control measures’, such as frequent hand washing, using a face mask and maint… read more

  • Destinations

Rwanda Rwandan government to ban charcoal use in Kigali

The Ministry of Environment is set to ban the use and supply of charcoal in Kigali city as it steps up efforts to protect the environment by reducing the use of wood fuel. The use of charcoal has been cited as the main driver of deforestation and indoor air pollution. And the move could help reduce Rwanda’s reliance on wood fuel fr… read more

  • Beyond Africa
  • Destinations

AA Travenews Rwanda, Ghana & 6 other African countries get Visa Waivers from Barbados

Citizens of eight African countries willing to travel to explore and enjoy the beautiful sceneries of Barbados can now do so with relative ease as the Caribbean nation has waived Visa requirements for them. The eight countries include Cameroon, Ethiopia, Liberia, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Ghana from which Barbados … read more

  • Destinations

Ethiopia Forbes: Ethiopia and Tunisia among the rising stars og global tourism

As the global tourism industry struggles in the midst of this unprecedented downturn, many nations around the world are preparing for a boom in international visitors once travel is more feasible – for some countries, this could be their first opportunity to establish themselves as a prominent regional force for tourism. While the following coun… read more

  • Destinations

Tanzania Tanzania to expose tourist sites through Great Lakes International Tourism Expo

As the world gradually recovers from the Coronavirus pandemic, some countries have already eased lockdown as life prepares to return to a post-COVID-19 normalcy.

Having declared the country open about a week ago, Tanzania is working hard to boost its tourism and stakeholders have proposed Mwanza Region as a destination for exposing the abu… read more

  • Destinations

Ghana Ghana’s tourism sector to fully recover in three years

Ghana’s tourism sector will take between two to three years to fully recover from the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic,an Associate Professor at the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management of the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Prof. Ishmael Mensah has predicted.

Speaking to the Ghanaian Times in an interview yesterday, Prof. Mensa… read more

  • Accomodation
  • Destinations

Uganda Uganda: Rainforest Lodge Mabira set to reopen on Monday

The Rainforest Lodge in Mabira Forest will open its doors again next Monday and the new lodge operators will relaunch – following an extended lockdown over #COVID19 directives by the Ugandan government – with renewed vigour.

Just a few days before the lockdown was announced and hotels, lodges and resorts forced to close down,… read more

  • Destinations

Unwto UNWTO launches global guidelines to re-open tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has released a set of guidelines to help tourism sector emerge stronger and more sustainably from COVID-19. The guidelines highlight the need to act decisively, to restore confidence and, as UNWTO strengthens its partnership with Google, to embrace innovation and the digital transformation of global tourism… read more

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Our travel news does not only focuse on transportation like airlines and rail, but also on hotels, IT, cruises, and other areas of interest for travel agents. Our travel news is not only for the benefit of the traveler but also serves to update and inform travel staff in the Sub Saharan Africa Region on the latest travel news and developments. is unique in the way it assists travel readers in sub Saharan Africa to be up-to-date in sub Saharan Africa with the latest news on a daily basis, and provides concise & relevant information without the waffle making it convenient for you to keep you and your colleagues up-to-date, to better inform customers and offer precise recommendations.

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