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  • Rail

AA Travenews Update:African Integrated High-Speed Railway Network

The African Union Development Agency-NEPAD ( AUDA-NEPAD) has officially released a video capturing the conception, design and implementation plan for the African Integrated High- Speed Railway Network. Although it the video was issued in December last year, the seven-minute video includes reports from across Africa, dedicated to railway r… read more

  • Rail

Rail Zimbabwe National Rail Zimbabwe Railways PPP With Zimasco

The National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) has identified, Private-Public-Partnerships (PPP) as one of the strategies to ensure efficient service delivery to major clients in the face of challenges it is facing. Under the PPP strategy, NRZ is prepared to enter into mutually beneficial arrangements with customers resulting in win-win situatio… read more

  • Rail

South-Africa Restructuring South Africa’s Railways For Competitive Efficiency

In South Africa, the railway moves 215 million tons of bulk cargoes and road freight moves 1400 million tons of breakbulk. The limited use of the extensive rail system in South Africa is the result of the policy of a centralist government monopoly providing only selected services whilst excluding usage of the rail network by competitive p… read more

  • Rail

Rail Zimbabwe National Rail National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) is planning to resume passenger services

Zimbabwe’s Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, Joel Biggie Matiza, announced in a media briefing in Bulawayo on 25 June 2020 that National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) is planning to resume passenger train operations in Zimbabwe soon.

The Minister didn’t name a specific date. Both NRZ’s urban and long-distance… read more

  • Rail

Rail Egypt Egytian Railways Egyptian National Railways: TMH Starts Delivery Of 1,300 Passenger Coaches

Twenty-two, UIC passenger coaches were officially delivered to Egyptian National Railways (ENR) in the port of Alexandria on 25 June, in the presence of representatives from the Egyptian Ministry of Transport. Ten more coaches left Russia on 19 June, they are due to arrive in Egypt in early July.

The coaches were transported by truc… read more

  • Rail

AA Travenews Cairo metro Line 3 trains delivered

Hyundai Rotem has begun delivery of 256 metro cars ordered for Cairo Line 3 which is being extended to run 45·5 km east–west across the city and serve the international airport.

The 433bn won order was placed by the National Authority for Tunnel in February 2017 using a financial package developed by the South Korean governme… read more

  • Rail

Rail SouthAfrica Transnet Transnet To Rebuild Trust Through Lifestyle Audit Process

Transnet SOC Ltd has instituted a process of lifestyle audits for its employees, as part of its efforts to ensure high standards of ethics and integrity.

In setting the tone and leading by example, senior management including executive management (Level A - C), are the first category of employees to undergo the initial phase … read more

  • Rail

AA Travenews Revitalising Railways Through A New Corridor Approach - North-South Corridor

Ensuring the sustainability of freight transport especially by rail should be one of the key objectives of governments of SADC. Integral to this is to maximize the proportion of freight transported by rail as opposed to road. In the last 15 years, rail freight km’s have only grown by 15%, coupled to this and directly impacting this is the… read more

  • Rail

Ethiopia Ethiopian Rail Addis Ababa – Khartoum railway study funded

Funding has been awarded for a comprehensive study of the technical, economic, environmental and social feasibility of building a 1 435 mm gauge railway linking Addis Ababa in Ethiopia with Khartoum in Sudan, together with an extension to Port Sudan on the Red Sea.

The two-year study will also look into possible financing … read more

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