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  • Rail

Rail Namibia TransNamib TransNamib told to allow private operators to utilise the rail network

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration has advised Namibia’s railway company, TransNamib, to explore the possibility of allowing private operators to utilise the rail network through concession agreements.

The committee’s position was formed following visits to railway infrastructure in the count… read more

  • Rail

AA Travenews Prasa restores more suburban rail services

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has restarted its Metrorail suburban rail services on five sections of the networks in the provinces of Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape.

Local rail services across the country had been disrupted by a spate of vandalism and cable theft which occurred during and after the Covid-19 pandemic… read more

  • Rail

Rail Namibia TransNamib Namibia finalises hydrogen train contract

Namibia has, after extensive negotiations, confirmed the contract finalisation of the HyRail project. The project is spearheaded by TransNamib, Hyphen Technical and CMB Tech and includes the University of Namibia (UNAM) as an academic partner.

Director General of the National Planning Commission, Obeth Kandjoze announced that… read more

  • Rail

Rail Namibia TransNamib TransNamib gains momentum with Key Rail projects and Government support

While attending the Land-Linked Zambia 2024 event in Zambia on the 4th and 5th of April, Railways Africa Magazine had the opportunity to have a brief Coffee with the Editor session with TransNamib’s acting CEO, Webster Gonzo. Followers of the industry are aware that there is much happening and anticipated in the Namibian rail sector, spur… read more

  • Rail

AA Travenews Swala Rail Solutions' vision for rail in the DRC and Zambia

In this episode of Railways Africa Magazine’s “Coffee with the Editor,” filmed at the recent Land-Linked Zambia 2024 event, we sit down with Sifiso Ndhlukula, Managing Director of Swala Logistics. Sifiso discusses the establishment of Swala Rail Solutions, a commercial company registered in the DRC in 2022, with the aim of operating rail service… read more

  • Rail

Rail TAZARA TAZARA: Boosting Operational Capabilities, Enhancing Regional Integration

In a recent interview with Railways Africa Magazine, at the Land-Linked Zambia 2024 event, Bruno Ching’andu, Managing Director of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA), provided significant insights into the ongoing efforts to revitalise the TAZARA railway system, which is jointly owned by the governments of Zambia and Tanzania. He high… read more

  • Rail

Rail Tanzania Railways Tanzania Railways announces arrival af modern EMU rrains

Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) has officially announced the arrival of the first set of modern Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) trains at the Port of Dar es Salaam. This significant milestone occurred on April 3, 2024, marking a crucial phase in Tanzania’s rail transport modernization efforts.

The first shipment includes five elect… read more

  • Rail

Malawi Nsanje Marka – Bangula rail rehabilitation project

The Nsanje Marka – Bangula rail rehabilitation project located in the Southern region, is making strides under the execution of China Railway 20th Bureau Group Corporation Limited with CIVILIA as the consultant. This initiative falls under the oversight of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, specifically the Department of Railway … read more

  • Rail

Rail Ghana Railway Company Trains set to operate on the Tema-Mpakadan route arrived in Ghana

Accra, Ghana – V.A.O.B, in collaboration with the Ministry of Railways Development, is pleased to announce the arrival of the new trains – set to serve the Tema-Mpakadan route. This marks a significant milestone as V.A.O.B becomes the first Ghanaian-owned company to supply rolling stock to the Government of Ghana. This milestone marks a c… read more

  • Rail

Rail Ethiopia Ethiopia-Sudan Railway advances: Feasibility study sets stage for next phase

The African Development Bank recently released its Implementation Progress and Results Report (IPR) for the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) Feasibility Study between Ethiopia and Sudan, dated 14 March 2024. The study, initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic, experienced some delays.

This feasibility study assessed the corridor pl… read more

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