Travel news overview

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  • Beyond Africa

Business Travel How do travel managers view corporate booking technology?

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) launches the findings from a study into how travel managers view online booking tools (OBTs). The study, made possible by Deem, examines how US. and Canada-based travel managers view corporate booking technology and how the pandemic has impacted business travel, including the cha… read more

  • Flights

Seychelles Air Seychelles Air Seychelles: the renationalization process is taking shape

Air Seychelles will be renationalized. Seychellois President Wavel Ramkalawan agreed with Etihad Airways during a three-day visit (February 19-22) to the United Arab Emirates. According to the statement released by the Seychelles presidency, negotiations are underway to buy back shares (40%) in EAG Investment Holding Company… read more

  • Flights

Kenya Airways Kenya Airways launches "Economy Max" - new product

Kenya Airways has unveiled, Economy Max, a product that allows customers to create additional personal space by booking a seat or a row next to them. Economy Max, a first of its kind for an African carrier, will be available for purchase between 48 to 3 hours before departure to all KQ customers purchasing Economy Cla… read more

  • Flights

Germany Lufthansa The Lufthansa Group’s leisure travel programme for this next summer

Around 20 new vacation destinations from Frankfurt, 13 new destinations from Munich Main focus: the Caribbean, Canary Islands and Greece Strong booking demand expected

This summer, the airlines of the Lufthansa Group are offering the most extensive range of vacation destinations in years, thus further demonstrating the company’s kno… read more

  • Conservation & Wildlife

Tanzania National Park Authority US Ambassador has close encounter with rhino at Mkomazi National Park

The few remaining black rhinos are living protected at Mkomazi Park, famous for rhino conservation in East Africa. The Tanzania National Parks authority has created viewing points in the park to allow tourists to view the rhinos at a very close range. The park had once remained remote and inaccessible since its establ… read more

  • Miscellaneous

Iata Official IATA's COVID-19 Travel Pass to launch by March

COVID-19 Travel Pass will give travelers a way to display test results and confirmation they’ve received a vaccine; IATA’ statement comes after Europol issued a warning about criminals selling fake COVID-19 test results to travelers

The international airline industry organization made an announcement today that its COVID-19 travel a… read more

  • Miscellaneous

South-Africa National budget: Vaccine regime will stimulate travel & tourism

The R10bn earmarked by National Treasury for the purchase and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines over the next two years – as announced by Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweniduring his Budget Speech 2021 yesterday (February 24) – will go a long way towards stimulating travel.

“This will give travellers the confidence and pe… read more

  • Conservation & Wildlife

AA Travenews Are private rhino reserves the last hope?

It’s a sobering thought: If you’re raising a child today, they might never get the chance to marvel at the sight of a rhino at a national park in South Africa.

Why? A recent annual read more

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Our travel news does not only focuse on transportation like airlines and rail, but also on hotels, IT, cruises, and other areas of interest for travel agents. Our travel news is not only for the benefit of the traveler but also serves to update and inform travel staff in the Sub Saharan Africa Region on the latest travel news and developments. is unique in the way it assists travel readers in sub Saharan Africa to be up-to-date in sub Saharan Africa with the latest news on a daily basis, and provides concise & relevant information without the waffle making it convenient for you to keep you and your colleagues up-to-date, to better inform customers and offer precise recommendations.

Our travel news portal has refined navigation so you can search per country in sub Saharan Africa, scroll to the bottom of the website to find a list of the countries, double click on a country to get that country’s news. and you could search per sector in travel i.e. flights, leisure, rail, IT etc. (at the top of the website). Or you could search the news portal by using specific words or phrases and entering these into the search bar and clicking search.