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  • Destinations

Kenya KTB Kenya's Tourism Earnings Surge 32% to U.S.$809 Million in First Quarter

Kenya earned a total of Sh116.2 billion from the tourism sector in the first half of the year to June, buoyed by a rising number of arrivals.

This represented a 32 percent jump from Sh152.6 billion during a similar period last year, according to the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB).

Arrivals from entry points such as the Jomo … read more

  • Flights

Nigeria Dana Air Dana Air bags ‘AviaCargo Airline of the Year’Award

Dana Air has bagged the Nigerian AviaCargo Airline of the Year Award at the CHINET Aviation and Cargo conference held at Lagos Marriott Hotel Lagos.

According to the organiser,  Mr  Ikechi Uko, the award is in recognition  of Dana Air’s  contribution to the growth of the aviation and cargo industry  in Niger… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria Green Africa Airways Excitement as Green Africa begins flight to Ibadan Airport

Ibadan airport today was the center of activities as the airport welcome many dignitaries with the commencement of flight Operations by Green Africa Airways.

Activities of the day commenced at 0630hrs with check in of Abuja bound passengers on Green Africa flight. Signalling the commencement of operations to the airport was GAA aircraft wi… read more

  • Flights

Algeria Tassili Airlines Tassili Airlines renews its IOSA certification for the 7th time

Tassili Airlines' operations continue to comply with the industry's most stringent requirements. Indeed, Algeria's second largest public carrier announced last week that it had successfully passed the IOSA audit for the seventh time since its first certification in 2011.

  • Miscellaneous

AA Travenews Africa’s Tourism: Shifting paradigms for accelerated growth and recovery

Africa’s tourism industry has exhibited a remarkable resurgence following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The region has seen a positive upswing in tourism activities, possibly spurred by governments recognising the vital role of the tourism sector in economic revival.

From the formulation of comprehensive tourism maste… read more

  • Destinations

Ghana Destination Ghana targets growth in international & domestic tourism

Ghana is expected to rake in about $6billion revenue from tourism over the next four years, the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, has said. The expected revenue increase according to the minister was premised on a number of initiatives undertaken including intensive promotional activities, policies and progr… read more

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Our travel news does not only focuse on transportation like airlines and rail, but also on hotels, IT, cruises, and other areas of interest for travel agents. Our travel news is not only for the benefit of the traveler but also serves to update and inform travel staff in the Sub Saharan Africa Region on the latest travel news and developments. is unique in the way it assists travel readers in sub Saharan Africa to be up-to-date in sub Saharan Africa with the latest news on a daily basis, and provides concise & relevant information without the waffle making it convenient for you to keep you and your colleagues up-to-date, to better inform customers and offer precise recommendations.

Our travel news portal has refined navigation so you can search per country in sub Saharan Africa, scroll to the bottom of the website to find a list of the countries, double click on a country to get that country’s news. and you could search per sector in travel i.e. flights, leisure, rail, IT etc. (at the top of the website). Or you could search the news portal by using specific words or phrases and entering these into the search bar and clicking search.