Travel news Benin

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  • Destinations

Rwanda Three things to know about Rwanda's visa-free policy

Rwanda has slowly reformed its visa system to be more open to visitors and businesspeople, aiming to promote international relations, cooperation, and economic growth, particularly through tourism, according to government officials. The latest changes, which include visa waivers for citizens of more than 100 countries over a specif… read more

  • Flights

Uganda Uganda Airlines Uganda Airlines: Expanding African carriers’ wings

The rebranded Uganda Airlines is opening up the African skies albeit gradually, while also expanding into the hitherto monopolised routes of major carriers. The revived East African carrier is steadily becoming a giant in African space with its tenacious expansion of routes in the last four years when it began operations.

The airlin… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria United Nigeria Airlines United Nigeria to upgrade services with delivery of Airbus A320 aircraft

United Nigeria Airlines Company Limited says, it is poised to serve the travelling public better, as it takes delivery of an Airbus A320 aircraft. According to the airline, the aircraft will be deployed to upgrade services on its expanding routes. The Airbus, which was flown into Nigeria in the early hours of Sunday, October 15, was welco… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria United Nigeria Airlines IATA welcomes United Nigeria Airline as member

The International Air Transport Association, IATA has admitted United Nigeria Airlines Company Limited into its fold as a member of the global aviation body.

The airlines’ admittance into IATA was conveyed to the management of United Nigeria Airlines in a letter dated October 9, 2023, and addressed to Prof. Obiora Okonkwo, chairman … read more

  • Flights

Nigeria United Nigeria Airlines United Nigeria Airlines gets GCAA approval to commence flight

United Nigeria Airlines Company, has received the nod of the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) to commence scheduled flight operations into the country. This was announced in a statement today by the Head, Corporate Communications, Mr.  Achilleus-Chud Uchegbu.

The approval of the request by United Nigeria Airlines to… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria Air Peace Air Peace connects Lome

Air Peace has further expanded its wings to another West African country with the commencement of flight operations to Lome, Togo.

The operations which commenced today (28th July, 2023) is geared towards easing air travel and bridging the connectivity gap among West African countries.

According to the safety Manager, Ai… read more

  • Flights

Nigeria Air Peace Air Peace commences London & Houston this year

Air Peace is set to commence flight operations to Houston, United States and London before the end of this year.

This is just as the airline over the weekend commenced flight to Lome, Togo and also eyeing operations to Cotonou, Benin Republic, Abidjan, Cote d’ ivoire, Congo, Kinshasa and Malabo in Equatorial Guinea.

The… read more

  • Flights

Benin Cronos Cronos Airlines Benin takes off

Cronos Airlines Benin officially started its commercial operations on Thursday 4 May 2023. From its base in Cotonou, the new startup, a subsidiary of the Equatorial Guinean group of the same name, is showing its regional ambitions.

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