• Rail

TransNamib Railway safety awareness TransNamib Railway safety awareness

TransNamib announced the start of the rail safety week campaign scheduled for the 10-14 October 2022 – themed, “Be Vigilant around the tracks, trains are fast but slow to stop”. The focus is to reach out to motorists, learners, pedestrians, truck drivers, communities living near the railway tracks, and the communities we operate in country-wide.

The week-long safety campaign is a joint commemoration of the Southern African Railway Association (SARA) formed in 1996 to promote the business interests of the regional railway within the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

In 2019 SARA, resolved to set aside a week every year in October for raising awareness on railway safety and to ensure joint regional advocacy for railway safety practices and conformity to the agreed SADC/SARA Railway Safety Standards.

TransNamib’s safety campaign supports the business strategic pillars namely; “Organizational Excellence”, which deals with internal Processes linked to best practices in the industry and business landscape. Thus, the awareness campaign complements the focus on Safety & Environmental Care. People injured or killed on our railway tracks are often breadwinners in their families and important contributors to the economy at large.

“The main event was staged in the Erongo Region (Walvis Bay) at the Weigh Bridge on Tuesday, on 11 October 2022. The area is strategically selected, because trucks continue to drive into the Usakos TransNamib Station from Arandis. The aim is to sensitise drivers about the downhill slope and the use of the Arrestor Bed. Our business partners such as; the Walvis Bay Corridor Group, Municipality, NamPort, and Road Authority will frorm part of the event.

“According to our safety report, during the Financial Year 2021/22, we recorded eleven (11) Level crossing accidents, eight (8) public members injured, and eleven (10) damaged infrastructure incidents. Fortunately, there were no fatalities. Rail Safety education is directly linked to our Corporate Social Responsibility. As the railway operator, we are responsible to educate, alert the public to keep safe around the railway network of 2687 km route, and level crossings”, Executive: Corporate Services, Mr. Mberipura Hifitikeko.

Source: Railways Africa