• Attractions

Kruger National Park calendar for August Kruger National Park calendar for August


  • cool mornings and cold evenings
  • temperatures & humidity rise during the day


  • between 12°C - 28°C (Fahrenheit: e.g. 28°C = [(28x9)]/5 + 32 = 82.4°F)
  • visit our webcam page for live footage from Kruger National Park!


  • bush extremely dry
  • landscape a yellow hue through flowering knobthorn, cassias and other
  • veld often overgrassed, especialy around watering holes etc.

Animal Activity:

  • game congrates around watering holes, rivers etc.
  • elephant numbers at their highest in northern Kruger
  • earliest summer migrant birds arrive
  • local raptors breeding
  • weakest animals die of thirst or from predators
Source: TravelComments.com Official Blog