• Rail

Madagascar Looking To Revitalise Rail And Bus Operations Madagascar Looking To Revitalise Rail And Bus Operations

Modernising urban transport has always been hinged on the current and projected congestion of a city and efficient transport modes for both people and goods (among other considerations). In Greater Antananarivo the population is expected to increase significantly by 2025, with recent figures projecting roughly 4.2 million people. This is probably what excites most OEMs - rapid urbanisation is a boon for their products and services. Based on the size of Madagascar, light rail, tram and even a monorail solution would be worth considering.

Antananarivo transport infrastructure is not well managed and has been underutilised for many years. As in South Africa and probably most African countries the main means of transport is the Minibus. Similarly, this particular service lacks regulation. The bus system is managed by the private sector with some oversight from the government, however it is considered inefficient and unable to meet the current or projected demands of the city. Further, the government has plans to develop a new city as well as the creation of a satellite town in Tana-Masoandro, 10km northwest of the current “downtown” of the city.

Given these new development plans, it is an ideal opportunity to ensure an integrated public transport system, building on the existing studies, such as Urban Master Plans (PUDis) and Antananarivo-Toamasina Corridor Master Plan (TaToM).

In terms of rail, the Madarail concession, is required to invest in rolling stock and related equipment to provide for passenger and freight services, while the government is responsible for the investment in infrastructure.

The government has long been aware of the urgent need for improving transport mobility in Antananarivo. In addition, the current government has placed the revitalization of the railway sector, almost top of the list of priorities. With the assistance of the World Bank and other donors such as, JICA and BADEA, the government is currently preparing a land use and corridor development strategy and an urban transport master plan, including suburban development.

With that said there is tender our for consulting services.

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