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Social Media: Kruger National Park is one of the most popular selfie spots worldwide Social Media: Kruger National Park is one of the most popular selfie spots worldwide

The international car hire comparison website Enjoytravel.com recently revealed a list of the most popular places in the world to take a selfie according to TikTok and Instragram. South Africa's Kruger National Park (#krugernationalpark) made it to the Top 10 with a combined total of 96,734,291 hashtags on Instagram (734,291) and TikTok (96,000,000). Disneyland in Paris, France, is the world's numer one spot for selfies with a total of 6,128,408,478 hashtags on Instagram and TikTok, followed by Disney World in Orlando, Florida (6,014,657,716 hashtags), and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (1,505,198,505 hashtags).

The 10 Most Popular Selfie Spots in the World according to TikTok and Instragram:

  1. Disneyland - Paris, France - #disneyland
    Instagram 28,408,478 - TikTok 6,100,000,000 - Total 6,128,408,478
  2. Disney World - Florida, USA - #disneyworld
    Instagram 14,657,716 - TikTok 6,000,000,000 - Total 6,014,657,716
  3. Burj Khalifa - Dubai, UAE - #burjkhalifa
    Instagram 5,198,505 - TikTok 1,500,000,000 - Total 1,505,198,505
  4. Eiffel Tower - Paris, France - #eiffeltower
    Instagram 6,692,059 - TikTok 413,000,000 - Total 419,692,059
  5. Taj Mahal - Agra, India - #tajmahal
    Instagram 1,747,464 - TikTok 346,300,000 - Total 348,047,464
  6. Grand Canyon - Arizona, USA - #grandcanyon
    Instagram 3,980,404 - TikTok 219,900,000 - Total 223,880,404
  7. Machu Picchu - Peru - #machupicchu
    Instagram 1,899,927 - TikTok 201,200,000 - Total 203,099,927
  8. London Bridge - London, England - #londonbridge
    Instagram 1,268,402 - TikTok 118,300,000 - Total 119,568,402
  9. St Basil’s Cathedral - Moscow, Russia - #stbasilcathedral
    Instagram 65,098 - TikTok 109,100,000 - Total 109,165,098
  10. Kruger National Park - South Africa - #krugernationalpark
    Instagram734,291 - TikTok 96,000,000 - Total 96,734,291
Source: TravelComments.com Official Blog