• Rail

Cameroon-Chad transport corridor Cameroon-Chad transport corridor

The proposed project development objective is to improve the efficiency and safety of regional trade transport along the Douala-N’Djamena intermodal corridor.

In Chad, the financing agreement was signed on April 28, 2022, and reached effectiveness on December 21, 2022. The pre-qualification process for the works divided into 2 lots was completed and the bidding documents are under final review before submission to the pre-qualified bidders.

Other preparatory activities such as road safety and climate assessments have been finalized and results have been incorporated in the tender documents. Safeguard activities which are dated covenants are also fully engaged (MGP, VBG, PEPP). The Cameroon Financing agreement has yet to be signed, but activities under the PPA are ongoing and would allow the project’ activities to start as soon as it becomes effective.


Douala-Yaoundé rail track rehabilitation and railway signalling modernization:(Cost $368.00 M) railway capacity building and road safety:(Cost $24.10 M) Road reconstruction, maintenance and safety improvements:(Cost $389.00 M) Trade facilitation and project implementation support:(Cost $34.90 M) Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC)

Implementing Agencies: CAMRAIL, Ministère des Infrastructures et du Désenclavement (Ministry for Infrastructure and Opening-up), Ministère des Transports (Ministry of Transport), Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Chad.

Source: Railways Africa