• Rail

Gauteng-Limpopo Rail Link project Gauteng-Limpopo Rail Link project

In September 2023, the Limpopo Provincial Government held its Executive Council (EXCO) meeting, where several significant matters were discussed, and crucial decisions were made. Here is a highlight specifically relating to the proposed Gauteng-Limpopo Rail Link Project:

A memorandum on the proposed Gauteng-Limpopo rail link project was presented during the meeting. This memorandum outlined the progress made in developing an integrated concept document and establishing institutional arrangements in both provinces. The next phase of the project involves conducting a pre-feasibility study to explore the scope, institutional arrangements, and funding options.

EXCO agreed to conduct joint consultation and engagement with the Minister of Transport to secure support for the project. Additionally, the Implementation Protocol will be signed by the Premiers of both Gauteng and Limpopo. Efforts will be undertaken to explore funding sources for future phases of the project, and the process to appoint a joint project manager will commence.

Source: Railways Africa