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South Africans see impacts of COVID-19 worsening South Africans see impacts of COVID-19 worsening

Consumer uncertainty is one of the greatest barriers facing the travel industry, and despite cases of COVID-19 stabilizing across South Africa, 70% of South African respondents in a recent survey by GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, say they are still extremely concerned about the impact of COVID-19 - in comparison to the 1% that declared they are not concerned. In addition, 74% believe that conditions will worsen over the next six months. This highlights the extent of uncertainty surrounding this global pandemic in the country, which is bad news for the country's travel industry.

Johanna Bonhill-Smith, Travel and Tourism Analyst at GlobalData comments: "Right now, brand awareness and credibility is vital. This is a prime time to touch base with consumers and businesses need to be proactive in their approach. Tips on personal health and well-being alongside news about initiatives that have been taken to deal with the pandemic will be well received by this market."

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