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  • Rail

AA Travenews World Bank Group Steps Up Support to Deepen Regional Integration in Africa

The World Bank Group has updated its approach to help strengthen regional integration in Africa. This reinforces the institution’s support to help the continent recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and realize its economic transformation through 2021-2023.

Titled "Supporting Africa’s Recovery and Economic Transformation", the updated Regiona… read more

  • Rail

Rail Uganda Railways The Kampala-Malaba Railway Line

Parliament has approved a government request to borrow Euros 216.7 million from the African Development Fund (ADF), Euros84.41 million from the African Development Bank (ADB) and Euros25.9 million from the Corporate Internalisation Fund of Spain.

The loan totalling approximately shs1.4 trillion will facilitate the refurbishment of the Kread more

  • Rail

Rail Mazambique Rail Reconstruction of railway between Mozambique and Malawi

On 29 May, the President of the Republic of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, lay the first stone for the reconstruction of the Dona Ana/Vila Nova da Fronteira railway line, known as the Tete railway, linking Mozambique and Malawi.

The rehabilitation includes the rebuilding of a 44km stretch of track to accommodate freight and… read more

  • Rail

AA Travenews AfCFTA is a key instrument in post Covid 19 recovery

South Africa; the Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Mr Fikile Majola says it is imperative for South Africa to look beyond its borders to accomplish the task of inclusive economic growth and job creation in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic.

He was delivering the main address at the virtual Africa Day commemoration of read more

  • Rail

Rail Ghana Railway Company Mpakadan Railway project will add to Ghana’s GDP

The Minister for Railway Development, Mr. John-Peter Amewu has reiterated Government’s commitment to revamp the railway sector to global standards. He said no country can survive without a railway network as this helps boost the economy, hence it is important for Ghana to build a vibrant railway system to bring development within communities, cr… read more

  • Rail

Nigeria Construction Of The Second Light Rail In West African Metropolis Starts

On April 15, the first phase of the Lagos Light Rail Red Line Project in West Africa held a groundbreaking ceremony. Lagos State Governor Babajid Sanuru, Deputy Governor Obafemi Hamzart, Frederick Olad Ind, director of the Lagos State Transportation Bureau, and the head of the China Civil Engineering Nigeria Company attended the groundbre… read more

  • Rail

Rail TAZARA TAZARA: Improved performance and open access progress

The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) Board of Directors, comprising the Permanent Secretaries responsible for Transport in the Republic of Zambia and the United Republic of Tanzania, Eng. Misheck Lungu and Mr. Gabriel Migire, as Chairperson and Co-Chairperson, respectively, together with four other Board Members from both countr… read more

  • Rail

Rail Tanzania Railways Tanzania SGR project progress Dar Es Salaam station completed

The Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Kassim Majaliwa recently visited the Modern Railway (SGR) construction project to inspect the Station building and the construction of the Bridge connecting the Station as a follow-up visit to various strategic projects underway.

The Minister of Works and Transport Ho… read more

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