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  • Rail

Rail Zimbabwe National Rail National Railways of Zimbabwe on a regional railway infrastructure drive

The National Railways of Zimbabwe has embarked on a regional offensive to unlock the economic potential of southern and eastern countries through full exploitation of the north-south corridor. Enhancing transportation through improvements of the regions railway infrastructure.

The National Railways of Zimbabwe delegation visited the… read more

  • Rail

Rail Tanzania Railways Tanzania Railways Corp orders electric trains

South Korean company Hyundai Rotem has announced a 335·4bn won contract to supply 80 electric multiple-units and 17 electric locomotives to Tanzania Railways Corp by 2024.

  • Rail

Rail Namibia TransNamib TransNamib CEO takes over as SARA president

TransNamib Chief Executive Officer, Johny Smith on the 29th June 2021 during the first Southern African Railways Association (SARA) board meeting for 2021, accepted the nomination to lead the association as its President for the next twelve (12) months.

Johny takes over from the current President, Thembi Moyo, managing director of Beitbrid… read more

  • Rail

Rail Nigeria Railway Corporation NRC apologizes over Kaduna-Abuja train failure

The Management of the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) on Monday apologized to all passengers on board, KA2 train which left travellers stranded as a result of mechanical failure. NRC described the development as highly regrettable, explaining that the train which left Rigasa, Kaduna state on Monday morning failed at the Dutse se… read more

  • Rail

Rail SouthAfrica Gautrain Gautrain Route Alignment For The Soweto Extension And Cosmo City Junction

Recently the Gautrain Management Agency issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to conduct a preliminary route alignment study and environmental investigation thereof, to enable the determination of the route for the Soweto extension and Cosmo City junction, of the proposed Gaut… read more

  • Rail

Rail Zimbabwe National Rail Unitrans Africa dedicated rail link between Mozambique and Zimbabwe

Unitrans Africa accelerates growth in Africa with dedicated rail link between Mozambique and Zimbabwe

Through its key partnerships with National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ), Caminhos de Ferro de Mocambique (CFM) and Traxtion, Unitrans Africa is spurring trade in Africa, offering dedicated rail links between Maput… read more

  • Rail
  • Miscellaneous

Rail Nigeria Railway Corporation Railway Operation Will Reduce Price Of Rice, TITAN Farm Assures Ibadan Residents

The  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TITAN Farms Limited, Aare Eyiolawi Gbenga Olatubosun has promised better days for rice consumers with a price slash very soon owing to the operations of the railway transport system in Nigeria.

Eyiolawi who disclosed this while featuring on a media interactive program tagged ‘Time Out… read more

  • Rail

Rail Cameroon Camrail Cameroon Express Train and new link to Link Mbalam with Port of Kribi

Yaoundé express train

According to the Ministry of Transport in Cameroon, the Minister has confirmed that the Douala-Yaoundé express train will officially resume operations on July 1, 2021, This news follows the recently held special session of the interministerial Committee for Rail Infrastructure and the Passenger Transport… read more

  • Rail

Djibouti Ethiopia-Djibouti - Electric Railway Line Opens

The 750-km railway line links Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa to the Red Sea port of Djibouti.

Relations between Ethiopia and Djibouti on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 reached a higher level with the launching of the first fully electrified cross-border railway line that links Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa to the Red Sea port of Djib… read more

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