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  • Rail

Rail Nigeria Railway Corporation Railways: Passengers, Lawmakers Rue Insecurity, Govt’s Policy Somersault

The economic justification for constructing the country’s railway system, especially the $1.3bn Kano-Maradi rail project, has come under scrutiny just as passengers and other stakeholders lament over insecurity. Report by APATA OYENIRAN, KINGSLEY BENNETH (ABUJA) MATTHEW SAMUEL and JAMES CHUDE

Travellers have increasingly begu… read more

  • Rail

Rail Kenya Railways Iconic Chaka Railway Station to commence operations

Residents of Chaka town are set to start rail transport services. This development follows the completion of the construction of the Chaka railway station in Chaka town, Nyeri county.

The town lies along the Nairobi to Nanyuki branch line which is served by the Nanyuki Safari train. The train does one round trip… read more

  • Rail

Rail TAZARA Closure of the Chambeshi Rail Bridge

The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority has announced that train movements between New Kapiri-Mposhi and Kasama in Zambia will be temporarily disrupted to allow for repairs on the Chambeshi Bridge, which suffered major damages from a goods train accident that occurred on 13 May 2021.

The section of the track between Chambeshi and Kasa… read more

  • Rail

Rail Tanzania Railways Meeting to discuss the SGR Isaka - Kigali Project

The Director-General of the Tanzania Railways - TRC Masanja Kadogosa recently met with the Rwandan Ambassador to Tanzania Major General Charles Karamba and discusses the implementation of the modern railway construction project - SGR Isaka - Kigali. Dar es Salaam, October 05, 2021.

Tanzania Railways continues with the implementation… read more

  • Rail

AA Travenews Launch of green deal for Africa Railways at UNFCCC Africa Climate Week

UIC Africa launched its new sustainability pledge for the African region as part of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Africa Climate week. The pledge unites UIC Africa members under a common commitment: carbon neutrality of the African railway and to grow market share to 25% by 2050. The pledge sets… read more

  • Rail

AA Travenews Upcoming Rail Safety conference is a watershed moment for the Rail Industry

South Africa’s Railway Safety Regulator has announced that the 2021 Annual Rail Safety Conference will take place from 29 September to 1 October 2021, online.

Hosted under the theme “Embracing the new normal through innovative and sustainable rail safety solutions”, this year’s conference will be held virtually, at no cost to delegates. It… read more

  • Rail

Uganda Uganda welcomes new State Ministers for Works and Transport

On the 24 June, Minister of Works and Transport Hon. Katumba Wamala officiated at the handover ceremony to the new Minister's of State. Hon Peter Lokeris, Minister of State for Works and Hon. Joy Kabatsi, Minister of State for Transport handed over office to Hon. Musa Ecweru and Hon. Fred Byamukama respectively.

Hon. Katumba expressed grea… read more

  • Rail

Rail SouthAfrica Transnet ​Transnet back on track following Cyber attack

Public Enterprises Minister, Pravin Gordhan, has commended Transnet employees for their hard work in restoring full operations at the ports following an IT security breach last Thursday, 22 July.

Transnet has managed to fully restore operations at the Ports which enables the country supply chain and logistics system to resume normal… read more

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