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Malawi is looking to develop a railway line and associated services from the Central region to the Northern region. The transaction is set to be delivered as a PPP, to optimise the efficient delivery of railway services by leveraging the private sector. A tender has been issued and closes at 2:00 pm local time (Malawi) on 15th November 20… read more
The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, has issued Executive Order #112 establishing the National Railway Authority (NRA) with the responsibility to, amongst other things, manage railway and associated infrastructures owned by the Government of Liberia.
The Order which was issued Monday, October 17, 2022, … read more
Transport and Logistics Minister Frank Tayali says Zambia is accelerating efforts to ensure that the railway sector improves its efficiency and contributes to the movement of heavy and bulk cargo in the region, thereby preserving the road infrastructure.
Mr Tayali has further noted that collaboration with the private sector is key t… read more
The arrival of open access freight operations on the state-owned TAZARA Railway will not only boost traffic on the railway but also generate funds for much-needed maintenance, say private operators.
Trains have recently started running the full length of the 1,860km line following the reopening of the Chambeshi River bridge i… read more
Provision of a sovereign loan of up to EUR 40 million to the Arab Republic of Egypt, to be on-lent to Egyptian National Railways ("ENR"). The loan will be used to partially finance the supply and installation of the railway tracks, and signalling and telecommunication systems of Robeiky - 10th of Ramadan - Belbeis Railway Line ("the Project"). I… read more
TransNamib announced the start of the rail safety week campaign scheduled for the 10-14 October 2022 – themed, “Be Vigilant around the tracks, trains are fast but slow to stop”. The focus is to reach out to motorists, learners, pedestrians, truck drivers, communities living near the railway tracks, and the communities we operate in… read more
SEIFSA understand all too well the consequences of industrial action in the context of wage bargaining. A four-week strike in 2014 followed by a three-week strike last year left many an employer on the brink of contemplating closure.
Arguing that the right to strike is enshrined in our constitution and strike action is a functioning mechan… read more
Following three weeks of assessing the suitability of the Chambeshi Bridge for full train operations and the temporary suspension of passenger services in Zambia due to a goods train accident that occurred at the Msanza-Kapwila area in Nakonde District on 22 September 2022, we are now happy to announce the resumption of full passenge… read more
The TERRA terminal which handles roll on roll off vessels at the port of Abidjan dealt with over 2,687 vehicles between 22 and 29 August 2022, chalking up a record performance. The vehicles – mainly saloon and city cars or construction machines – were transported on the MATORELL and PLEIADES SPIRIT vehicle carriers from Thailand, China, J… read more
Temporary suspension of passenger services in Zambia due to a goods train accident at Msanza-Kapwila area in Nakonde District. The occurrence took place on 22 September 2022 at 09:45 hours. According to a media statement, the train, comprising two locomotives and 26 wagons, was transporting 1,414 metric tons of cargo from the Port … read more